America's online directory of gun and knife shows.
Basic Listing $10.00
Highlighted Basic Listing $25.00
Basic & Highlighted Basic do not include PDF downloadables, map links, social media links, phone links, logos and/or other graphics, and sales hypes.
Banner Listings – prices vary:
Banner details:
All prices reflect static graphics, add $50.00 per banner for animated graphics and add $25.00 per additional state page placement of animated graphics.
Banner listings may include show’s full details, PDF downloadables, map links, social media links, phone links, logos and/or other graphics, and sales hypes.
All listing formats will appear on 3 pages on this website; the show’s state page, the show’s month page, and eventually our Home page.
Payments may be made with a credit or debit card using our PayPal invoicing or by calling us to make payment.
Checks are accepted but not preferred due to the time it takes to receive the check via the postal service.
Most Credit/Debit cards accepted.